Industry-First Ethical and Legal Guide to Automated Facial Recognition

BSIA Ethical and legal guide to facial recognition software

The British Security Industry Association launches its Guide to the Legal and Ethical use of Automated Facial Recognition (AFR)

The guide is the first of its kind, following recommendations on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and encompasses useful terms and abbreviations, ethical uses, and more. The guide has a specific focus on distinctive application types verification (is it you?) and identification (who is it?). 

Source: BSIA

One of Anekanta Consulting‘s core values is rooted in its campaign for the ethical application of Artificial Intelligence for the good of society

The BSIA’s Guide, which Anekanta Consulting supports, provides the framework for strategic decision makers to use in order to assess the potential impact of using Artificial Intelligence based AFR within the boundaries of current legislation.

Although we welcome further regulatory guidance for law enforcement use of the technology in particular, we feel that the guide provides instant clarification for a number of scenarios.

A strong focus on defining the use case

The guide stresses the importance of this technology being assistive to humans in making decisions, creating a clear distinction between verification and identification, and together with easy to understand infographics it should dispel myths around what this technology actually does.

AFR is already all around us, embedded in our phones for payment authentication, a safe and secure way of making contactless purchases in the post-pandemic society. AFR can bring many further benefits to citizens moving forward when used in the right way and within the right legal boundaries.

We will continue to work with and alongside the BSIA Team and its Membership to ensure that the technology achieves the greatest benefit to ethical and legal users.

For further information about Anekanta Consulting’s services please do not hesitate to get in contact at or fill in our contact form here.

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